Friday, February 12, 2010

Peace, Love and Dopey Hair

Last week our local elementary school celebrated Red Ribbon Week, encouraging the kids to stay away from drugs. Each day students were asked to participate in events that were related to anti-drug themes. One day they were told to wear red. On another they wore their clothes inside out. One of the last events was 'crazy hair day'. Kate did a great job of wild hair for the Shirley kids. I dyed Patrick's hair red the night before (he wanted red for the Utes, of course). But he was disappointed that most of the red washed out. I guess we didn't leave it in long enough. So Kate dyed his hair green like the girls'.

It's been more than a week since then, and the green has remained. You can't see it in Patrick as much, but Whit and Samantha are pretty pronounced. I didn't think anyone would say anything until we got to church on Sunday. Several people made comments about 'early St. Patrick's Day' and someone even made a suggestion in jest that the hair was green because it hadn't been washed in a year and was rotting.

Kate also conducted the annual ritual of decorating Valentine's Day boxes. As you can see, the kids went all out and did a great job. Patrick used a shoe box from a pair of running shoes I bought last week. I joked with him about how he would still need a bigger box for all the cards and candies the girlies would give him. Turns out I was right... The kids came home with a great haul of candy to give to their papa.

1 comment:

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

What a fun tradition of Valentine's boxes. And I love the green hair!
