Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Don't Worry...Be Happy...
Last week Patrick approached me and asked if I had heard of this new song that goes "Bye bye, Miss American Pie" I told him that somewhere I had heard of that 'new' song.
He has an ability to find songs that are as old as his father, thinking that they are new. A few days later Kate found, crumpled up under his bed, Patrick's attempt at song lyrics.

If you can't quite read it, let me tell you what he wrote. Think of the tune to 'Don't worry, be happy' as you read.
I'm walking down the street and all I see is sheet so don't worry dodododododo be happy don't wory be happy now.
I was in the club a walked up and said hey bub so I punched him in the gut and said don't worry dodododododo be happy don't worry be happy now.
The best part of the draft is the picture of the guy socking the other in the gut. I don't envision Patrick having a career in songwriting, but he certainly will entertain this family. Dodododododo...