Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sammi Shurtz

We celebrated Samantha's 5th Birthday on Monday. She chose to have her party at Jungle Jim's Playland.

Bean wanted to ride the bumper cars, but was too small to go alone...

So I took one for the team. I drove with one hand and pushed the floor petal with the other. That steering wheel is murder on the old package...

I finally figured out that Bean could ride with Samantha. Here Bean, like most Utah drivers, uses the one fingered salute to express how she feels about the kid who just rammed them.

Samantha is a pretty good driver and could avoid getting hit by any other driver. But she never passed the opportunity to T-Bone her brother.

Whitney was gracious enough to act as Maddi's escort on the rides.

Bean also wanted to go on the 'spinning' ride with Patrick and Samanth...

...and quickly decided that it was a bad idea. Then she thought that if she went by herself that she would like it better, since she wouldn't be smooshed. She was wrong.

Patrick earned enough tickets from the games to buy a pair of Chinese fingercuffs. He's been stuck in them for 4 days now. It's been great.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

looks like a good time.
