Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Blushing Bean

Thanksgiving was pretty uneventful until Scott noticed that Lauren's neck and face were really rosy. We stripped off her clothes to find her whole body covered in hives. We dosed her up with Benadryl and Cortizone, and were about ten minutes away from taking her to Primary's for treatment when the rash seemed to subside. She's doing fine now, but we still have no inkling of what caused the rash as well as the cough she had had the night before. It had to have been really uncomfortable for her, but she weathered it like a real trooper.


jennaloha said...

That's an exciting holiday. Maybe she's allergic to non-Idaho turkey and stuffing. You should have gone to Grandma's.


I was sent home from school in first grade with something similar to this and it was later determined that I had an allergic reaction to penicilin (don't know if I spelled that right), but maybe you gave her something for the cough? Poor kid.

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

What a tough cookie...that looks awful!

She looks so cute and old with her longer hair.
