Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Motorcycles, Mud and Musical Madness

The last couple of weeks have been very eventful. On the 24th of July we congregated at the Farnsworth’s house for a Pioneer Day celebration. Alley likes to have the 4th and 24th parties at her house, and I am happy to have them there too. I was reminded of this when some freaking genius nearly burned down a business across the street. I won’t tell you his name, but it starts with Jeff Shirley.

The motorcycle rides were almost as exciting as the fireworks for the little kids (and big kids). Alan and Erik both have bikes with side cars now, so we gave the kids some rides around the block.

This can only be trouble...

Bean preferred to watch the fireworks from inside. Yet she still felt the need to plug her ears...

They were pretty loud, though.

Dilemma: Plug your ears or hold on? With me driving you'd better pick the latter!

The following weekend we had our annual family campout up American Fork Canyon. Last year we were camping the same weekend that a young man was killed by a bear up there. So this year we were given literature on how to prevent bear attacks when we paid our entrance fee. As it turns out, the bears weren’t an issue. I think they sensed the bear repellant that Grandpa Stretch brought along. We had a couple of deer that stayed close to our camp. One in particular walked unabashedly right into our kitchen area while we were sitting next to the camp fire ten feet away. If you look close at the pictures you can count her ribs. I guess hunger pains will make a doe bolder.

Dad, Chas and I were the only ones to participate in the adult’s hike. True to our reputation, no one has ever gone with us more than once. We had a kid’s hike, which was fun except I had to carry Bean most of the way.

The best part of the camping trip was the Uno game. Ask Alley. Without Jeff there we needed someone to get pissed off at our 'creative' tactics...

Oh, deer.

I brought the football to throw around, but Bean had it with her the whole time and even slept with it...

...but she did put it down long enough to show me the dirt on her hands. (I am so glad Kate wasn't there to witness this!)

Before the marshamllow caught on fire...

...and after.

Beckie expresses her disapproval of Patrick's bare feet.

Of course, no trip would be complete with out my bread pudding.

On the kid's hike...

...Chloe learned where stinging nettle got its name.

When I say that the adult hike was steep...

...I am not kidding. (The bottom of the camera is parallel to the ground)

Yes, we came up that. The dust you see is from all the boulders we kicked down while trying to climb.

Stretch surveys the sweeping vista below him and thinks "Shit. I still have to climb back down. I need my head examined." In reality Dad hiked like a mountain goat, while Chas and I huffed and puffed behind.

By the time we got to the top Chas regretted the second helping of chilli he had had for dinner the night before.

To give you an idea of how high we were, here's a picture of the trams at Snowbird.

That's not chocolate...

This weekend we celebrated Bean’s third birthday with a ‘High School Musical’ themed party. Most of the guests complied and brought gifts that matched the theme. I think the Troy Bolton standee was a bit over the top. And yes, I know all of the characters’ names.

Oh Troy! Can I hold your hand?

The 'Piranha' (PiƱata) was a big 'hit'. Shorlty after this picture was taken Chloe got 'Beaned'...

...and shortly after this picture was taken I got 'Katied'

Being the resourceful one, Patrick fashioned a new bike helmet.

After the 20th High School Musical gift Kate had had enough.

Bean loved her birthday ride in the side car.

And shortly after this picture was taken Froggy got 'Eriked'

And of course, no party would be complete without Kate's creative display of cupcakes. (Chas refused to eat them this time)


Alley said...

Let me clarify a few things. The
4th is at your place, there was no building that caught fire. I am denying anything, and Stretch has never said "Shit" in his life. and Patrick is 6!

Rebekah said...

A few things:
~My disapproval was directed at YOU, not P.
~Yay for bread pudding and all it's deliciousness!
~The kid was hike was fun except for one thing-the kids!
~You forgot to mention the airhorn.
~I'm glad Bean liked her ride.
~and finally, where's the pictures I took at the party? hehehe

Melissa said...

Your camping trip looks great. I'm impressed you can take the kids.

JAZZMAN said...

Leave all your talk of being 'katied' in the bedroom please...
