Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Bad Music, worse album covers

Recently a friend sent me an e-mail with a link to a list of the worst album covers of all time. I have attached some of my favorites with my commentary. The complete list can be found at:

Looks like the guy in the middle dominated ‘Stuffparty 1’.

He should have stayed dead…

I think I saw the original of this on a classmate’s algebra notebook in the 8th grade.

Boy, Gene Simmons isn’t aging well…

Oh, I know what’s next…Elephant dung!

It was actually better than the Ethel Merman rap album.

They used to be known as ‘The skanky six’, but my mother was thrown out.

No comment needed here.

Why is ‘Mr. Bat’ dressed like Mr. Clown?

The mustaches I can deal with, but the arm pit hair must go.

What's that guy doing alone on the sofa with a gay dog?

What does she mean ‘back to’? My guess is that everything from her has been shit. And why is it that the word 'shit' has to be edited for the album cover but a picture of her dropping the kids at the pool is accepable?

Wow! How many 'facets' can one man have?

…y gracias por la ropa!

Please don't befriend me.

Fortunately for me I go to the ‘City Church’.

Does Kevin Costner know that they stole his picture from the JFK poster?

I promise to keep him away from Ozzy...

Hallelujah! The Lord is coming again, and we’re hoping he brings lunch.

The only gynecologist to wear sunglasses while working.

Is it 'M C (emcee) Pooh' or 'Mc Pooh'? Either way it sounds like what happens after too many big macs...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris, I think we have that Abba Album at Dad's house!!!
