Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Teeth, Toilet Talk, Trajectories and Top Form

This morning I received the following text from Kate: She doesn’t know when it fell out, but her tooth is gone. Maybe I need to be checking poop. Samantha has had a front tooth that has been hanging by the roots for a week that she wouldn’t let us touch. She must have swallowed it last night in her sleep. I told Kate that we will leave the searching for the tooth to the tooth fairy, who I am sure will still leave some money for Samantha tonight…

Last week Patrick got himself in trouble for using language that is not appropriate for a soon to be eight year old. The first note I found (both were written on pieces of [unused] toilet paper)was written by Samantha:

In case you can’t read it, it says ‘Whitney is stoopid. So is Patrick.’

Before I could reprimand her for this, I was presented with a note written by Patrick.

Translation: ‘You are a bich You came from hell The girls came from hell.’

While he may be right, I don’t approve of him using the word ‘hell’ in this context. Oh, and ‘bitch’ too…

Whitney is getting old enough that some of her school projects are fun. This week she was to design and build a catapult. Much like the Pinewood Derby cars from my youth, the catapult was designed by Whit and executed by her father. Although she did take care of the paint job (like I did with my cars). There will be a competition this week at school, where one lucky student will have his or her catapult represented at the University of Utah against other schools. I think Whit has a shot. She has to be able to hit a pie tin suspended six feet above the ground and twelve feet away.

Today I have received several messages from people who saw pictures of Kate in a bikini on Facebook wondering why they were not told about the figure competition she competed in last Saturday. Sorry, maybe next time. I have attached a video that shows her progress. This has been a major event. She has been preparing for more than 18 months. I am very proud of her. She did a great job. And yes, the spray tan does wash off…

The ladies’ competiton was first, for which I am grateful. We didn’t stay for the men’s portion of the show. But we did get to see Dennis Wolf, who, I found out, is a former Mr. Olympia contestant and one hell of a large man. He was brought in as a guest ‘poser’. So I have included some pictures of him, if that’s your thing…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your kids are so funny
