Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Monster of a Good Time

About a month ago Kate decided to get tickets to ‘Princesses on Ice’ at the Delta Center. Excuse me, I mean at the Energy Solutions Arena. She asked if she should get one for Patrick. I said no, that they could have a girl’s night out. She asked me what we would do for him. I answered that something cool would come up that he would enjoy. A week later we learned that the Monster Jam was coming to town. So Drew, Stretch, Patrick and I all went down to see the monster truck rally.

There are two reasons to attend an event like this: First is that Patrick loves to go. Second, I go to see carnage of wrecked trucks. Mr. P’s favorite parts were when two real transformer robots dueled it out and one of them exploded and when one of the monster trucks came down so hard that he destroyed the front end of his rig. The hood flew off, the front of the frame was mangled, and one of his tires bounced clear across the field.

Besides the wrecked truck, another truck burned up the engine (see the hummer with the smoke coming out the top below), and another destroyed his shocks and struts when he landed too hard. It was plenty of carnage to keep me entertained. Any time Patrick wants to go to monster trucks, I am in.

All pictures are courtesy of my friend Dan Smith, since I am a loser and forgot my camera.


Rebekah said...

How cute, I bet Mr. P loved that!

Alley said...

#4 How can I get a ride in BIGFOOT?
At one time BIGFOOT #2 & BIGFOOT #3 were set up to accommodate taking people for rides. However, due to the incredibly high cost of running these "ancient feet", they have been disassembled or sold. These trucks used to carry up to 10 passengers on a small dirt track with bumps & occasionally a few crushed cars. While you currently can't get a ride in BIGFOOT, there are several other "monsters" that have this capability.

We need to find out who does give rides and get Patrick a Christmas Present.

JAZZMAN said...

Last time I went to a monster truck show, I wore this hat that had a fake mullet coming out of the back. Along with my Budweiser shirt and Wranglers, I fit right in.
