Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October Baseball

Bean learned a lot during her first season of T-Ball. For example, tonight, at the last game of the season, she learned that you play the conditions. Taking a page from the Colorado Rockies, her team played in ice cold temperatures. And the kids were troopers, toughing it out. Unlike the Rockies, though, Bean's last game ended with a trophy.

Having never played T-Ball I learned a lot too. Some of the rules I discovered: no one strikes out. The kids get as many hacks as they need. No one gets thrown out. Kids are taught that no matter who is on base, the ball is always fielded to first base. But even if the throw beats the runner (which is a rarity) the runner is safe. Everybody hits every inning. So if team A has 8 players show up and team B only has 5, team A gets three more batters per inning. The last batter of each inning gets a grand slam.

As you can see from the team picture, Bean lost her hat. I guess our new dog (named Yankee) took offense to Bean being on the Tigers and chewed the hat up. At the first game after the incident Bean's coach invoked Lou Brown from 'Major League' and told her "We wear caps and sleeved at this level, son!" Okay, not really.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That sport has sweet rules. She looks so cute.
