Monday, January 15, 2007

The Really Nice Monkey King

Once there lived a monkey king. He had all the money he needed. He scratched his butt one day. He had no children and wife. He hated the town of monkeys. They scratched their butts more. They monkeys in town ate bananas and flies. But the king didn’t like it that much. But one day he made a meeting to the castle. Then he said “Town of monkeys! I command you to stop eating bananas and flies. And from now on we will eat grass.” The monkeys sighed and cried a lot. They hate grass or wood bark. They didn’t listen to the king. The king was so angry he made them go to monkey jail. They didn’t like monkey jail that much. They wanted to get out. “But how?” one said. They promised they would eat grass or wood bark for the rest of their lives. The king wanted them to eat bananas, flies, grass and wood bark. They asked to see the king. They went to the king. “All hail monkey king.” Said all of the monkeys. “We’re sorry, monkey king.” The king accepts their apology and let them go.

The end
By Whitney Elizabeth Shirley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you are going to be a great writer like your father one day. Great Story!
