Saturday, December 06, 2008

Using the wrong bowl!

I realize that I post about Patrick quite a bit. Probably more often than the other kids. But it should be noted that not all of the posts about Patrick are always positive. Case in point, an incident that happened this morning. It should also be noted that this post may qualify under TMI: Too much information.

So here is what happened. I was being lazy and didn't want to make lunch. I told the kids that if they wanted to have cereal for lunch they could. Patrick and Whitney were the last two to eat, and before long I heard Whitney running up the stairs calling for me. "Patrick just peed in Bean's cereal bowl!" she cried.

"I had to go!" Patrick expalined when confronted. "And I wasn't going to make it to the bathroom!"

Looking on the bright side, I am glad that Bean was done with her cereal.

The incident reminded me of several things:
1. When I was a kid it was popular to ask of someone who was grumpy "Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?"
2. A line from the movie Steel Magnolias where a woman says of her friend's husband "I'm sure he's a real gentleman. He probably clears the dishes from the sink before pissing in it."
3. A story that one of my mother's co-workers shared with her about when she was potty training her son, and he woke up in the middle of the night, went to the kitchen, opened the refirgerator and pooped in the salad crisper. The best part of that story was a week after the woman told it, they had a pot luck lunch, where the woman brought a green salad, which no one ate of course...

Eat up!


Alley said...

I am laughing so hard I cannot type. I LOVE Patrick.

Anna said...

So funny!

Anonymous said...

You always make me laugh
