Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Couple of Real Performers

Tonight we attended a dance recital for Samantha and Bean. There were 46 numbers in the program, and Samantha's was 38th. It made for a long night. But Bean managed to steal the show. When you see the video, you'll understand. This was to be her dancing debut. It may also have been her finale.


Tara Shirley said...

Well at least you know Bean isn't scared to be on stage... and she's really good at improve when she doesn't remember the moves! HA! They both are adorable!!

Alley said...

Samantha sure knows how to shimmy!
What a cutie.

JAZZMAN said...

The only thing more embarrassing was Chas's performance during Thanksgiving basketball...

Anonymous said...

Dude, we love the Bean. She rocks.
