Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Space Shuttle Extravagance

When I woke up that morning I wasn’t planning on buying a new vehicle. And I sure as hell wasn’t aware that I was about to be without 4 wheel drive. But when Kate took the Durango in to the shop we found out that the strange noise it was making was a big problem. Weighing the options we decided not to put more money into repairs on the old beast than the old beast was worth.

So now we have a Space Shuttle (Chrysler Town and Country). I’ve been criticized for buying a new car during these times of economic recession, but really, I found it was a good time to buy. You can all but name your own price.

I’ve also been criticized for getting all the extras: 20 gig hard drive in the dash, a removable table in the middle, dual DVD players with wireless headsets, rear camera, leather seats, cold drink dispenser. But I have only one thing to say to all you complainers: you don’t have to drive it…


Anonymous said...

You love driving the MILF mobile, don't even try to deny it.

jennaloha said...

Wheat's Up.
