Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Child Model?

My mother-in-law has been hounding me lately. That's nothing new. But this time she is trying to convince me that my 4 year old son Patrick should be a model because of his stunning good looks. I have been resisting mostly I am skeptical of the whole 'child model' thing. Secondly I hesitate because since Patrick is her first grandson, and my only son we are of course biased in thinking that he's the most handsome little devil on the face of the earth. So now I throw it out to you who are not biased. Peruse the following pictures and tell me if it is worth it or not. And be honest. I wouldn't put it out there if I wasn't prepared for some negative feedback.

I tried to find recent pictures that are representative of his elvish look and his long eyelashes. But it is hard to find good pictures of him because 1) he always has a black eye, stitches or a broken arm, 2) he has food on his face or 3) he has a scowl that could intimidate Satan himself. And you'll see that I threw in a few pictures just because they amuse me.

So post a comment with your opinion, or e-mail me at


Anonymous said...

Of course he should be a model. I personally like the Bandaid on the nose!!

Anonymous said...

Of course I think that he is cute. But some of those pics are not the most flattering, like the one of him on the toilet.

Anonymous said...

Patrick is the perfect model... especially with a bandaid on his nose. So, you have a mother-in-law that hounds you? Very unlikely. From what I know of your mother-in-law she would only gently encourage you. Actually, be careful or she still might have you put in jail!

Anonymous said...

Actually, he is a very cute, handsome little boy. He of course could be a model, but did I see fingernail polish on his toes??? Seriously, cutest little boy I've seen in a long time. Go for it with the modeling.
