Tuesday, November 06, 2007

My Opinion Matters...

...And Not Just Because I Voted

The following opinion piece ran in today's Salt Lake Tribune. It generated 52 comments, most favorable, some not so much. I even got a comment from the woman I called out in the article. One online commenter called me a 'bad mormon' for my view. He obviously missed what I was saying. The best comment I got said "Chris, if more Mormons thought like you, the Great Divide would be much smaller. Thank you." The Trib allows readers to rate stories with a thumbs up or thumbs down. This one got 51 thumbs up out of 57 votes. I even got a phone call from some guy thanking me for this piece.


Alley said...

I would like to echo the comments. It was a great article. I guess some mormons see the light and some don't.

jennaloha said...

I also echo the sentiment and props to you for getting your voice out there. You are published now.
Thumbs up from me too. cuz what's the next step: covering liquor store billboards with blankets on the interstate?

(wait, are liquor store billboards allowed in Utah?)
(are liquor stores allowed there? I hope not, cuz I'm Mormon and I may set uncomfortable if I see one.)
