Saturday, August 25, 2007

Soccer Startup

Today marked a new season of soccer for Patrick. He did well. He assisted on four goals. His team jumped out to a 6-0 lead before settling for a 7-1 halftime lead. They slowed down in the second half only scoring six goals on their way to a 13-1 rout. The only goal scored on his team came while Patrick was on the bench. I would like to think that it is solely a reflection on him, but probably not.

Patrick is more interested and focused on the game this year. Is it his maturity or an increased interest in the game? No. It is the fact that he doesn't have one of those stupid green jerseys that they had to wear last year. There are no distractions for him now.

You can't see him in this picture, but Patrick is streaking between two defenders to steal the ball.

I'm pretty sure Samantha will be playing soccer next year. She likes to play and has some great kicks.

For Bean's part, I don't know if she'll ever play. She just likes being a booger.


Alley said...

Chris, you are a booger. I called and asked Katie when the games were going to start. She said you would call and let me know. THANKS!

JAZZMAN said...

You couldn't carry Patrick's jock.

Tara Shirley said...

Chris- It's been almost TWO WEEKS since you posted this blog!! You got nothing new to report in that time! I'm sure Katie has fallen or something in that time.You could right about that. NEW BLOG, NEW BLOG!
