Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Fruits of our labors

Shortly before the end of the school year Whitney came home with a small plant in a cup. The plant was accompanied by instructions on how to register for a contest. The contest was to see which child could grow the largest cabbage plant. We planted the cabbage in the garden and Kate went online to register for the contest. However, the deadline for the contest entry was one day before the plant was sent to our house. But the cabbage was in the ground, so we let it be.

Now we have a giant cabbage in the garden that is ready for harvest and Kate and I have no idea what to do with it. Really, does anyone actually eat cabbage? The unfortunate thing about it is that the plant is now big enough that Whitney might have been able to win the contest.

Overall this has been a very successful planting season. I am not a green-thumb, and do not enjoy such things as mowing the lawn and weeding the flower gardens. But I must admit that I enjoy maintaining the vegetable gardens. We have two gardens now, one for salsa materials and another for pumpkins, watermelons and whatever the kids bring home from school (Patrick brought home a pea plant which has been overrun by pumpkins).

The salsa garden has been going gangbusters this year. I have already harvested more peppers than all of last year. The banana and salsa pepper plants have produced so much that the tomatoes haven’t been able to keep up. So since I can’t make salsa yet I have been pickling them. I may have to start selling them soon. Any takers?

Feed me, Seymour!

1 comment:

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...


I've not yet attempted the vegetable garden, due to fear of failure. Any tips? That is, about the vegetable garden, not the fear of failure!
