Saturday, July 16, 2011

Beating the Heat

No, my title has nothing to do with the awesome finish to this year's NBA finals. Rather, this summer has been busy. So busy that it is hard for me to believe that it is already half over. Where has the time gone?

Summer started with the end of the dance season.

With the end of the dance season, soccer season, tee-ball season and school, I wondered: What would the kids do with their time? Would they be bored all summer? The answer, of course, was: no, you dumb bastard. Hell no.

Last month Whitney had the opportunity to attend girls camp again. As always, 'camp' does not mean the same thing for the girls as it does for me. The girls and young women's leaders 'camped' here:

During my stay as a Priesthood leader, I got the chance to camp here:

Unlike the girls, I had no running water, no heat, no power and curling iron. Not that I am complaining. After all, I also did not have to listen to the girls who were up until 3AM dancing and singing, and I was there just one night. The location was green and beautiful. And best of all, I was well fed, which is a tradition of girls camp.

And of course, this past week we performed our duties as Americans, and celebrated the 4th of July by grilling and lighting the street on fire.

Little did Pat know that the blanket she brought out for rain protection for Isaac would soon be used to smother a fire caused by an errant rocket...

A scary combination: that facial expression, coupled with a firework called 'Conqueror'...

Kate and I decided that season passes to Cowabunga Bay were a great investment. The kids have already been at least a dozen times, and never tire of it.

There's the Lazy River for those who just want to chill...

...and a 1,000 gallon deluge for those looking to have their shorts taken down by the splash.

Sometimes the ride down the water slide ends with a smile...

...and other times it ends with an enema...

The purpose of this picture was to capture P-Man coming down the green slide. I realized later that the giant feet in the blue slide belonged to Whitney.

Before a 1,200 gallon shower...

...and after...

Yep. All in all, it's been a pretty great summer. And it's only half over...

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