Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Out with the Old...

Six years ago we bought several goldfish for the tank we kept in the office. All but one died, and that one little goldfish survived a solitary existence in the cold dark office for a long time unharmed. Last week Kate took Patrick and Samantha to buy a couple of fish to add to the tank. P wanted the tank in his room, so we moved it up. Within 24 hours of moving from the basement, Goldie was dead, along with Patrick and Samantha's new fish, having been overfed by an unnamed Shirley child. Sometimes when you're forgotten in the basement, it is best to be left there. Ask Omnibot...

But we did replace the new fish that had been killed, and on Sunday we added a hamster when Grandpa Stretch brought over his birthday present for Whitney. She has determined to name the hamster 'Blackie' because of the color of his fur. I am struggling to get her to understand that she needs to pick a different name...


Alley said...

Um thanks. Hannah told me Grandpa Stretch is going to buy her a hamster for her birthday.
Happy Birthday WHIT!

Anna said...

Oh's hoping she finds another name that she likes.

Melissa said...

Good luck with getting that name changed. Maybe she could try, "scruffy balls."
