Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day '08

I took this kids up to Idaho for the annual trip and BBQ. A good time was had by all. I always know how much fun the kids had by how hard they crash when we get home. This year they all sacked out quickly. I think P-Man had the most fun, considering he had so many things to explore, between the tractors in the shed, the ditch and the old barn where the goats lived.
I think Grandpa Shirley is feeling better, considering we went out and mowed his lawn before we got there. After mowing he decided to go help uncle Neal burn out his ditches. Yeah, he's fine.
Grandma has been worried about her mailbox, which has been the victim of several brushes with the snow plow. She asked Stretch to fix it. After seeing his handiwork we pity the next snow plow driver who hits it...
Patrick watched grandpa Stretch toil as long as he could bear it...

Then took over the digging.

Grandma should have known that anything less than perfection would not be given by my father.

The big hit of the weekend was the bubble show. Alley got each of the kids a bottle, plus she brought a giant bubble maker.

Grandma's lawn is dead now because of all the soap, but the kids had a good time...

We all wandered down to Neal and Cathy's to see his remodel project, and the kids discovered the big twisty slide next to the duck pond.

Yes, that's Beckie coming down the slide.

P-Man is an island...


Rebekah said...

Where's the picture of YOU coming down the slide LOL!
That was a really fun weekend

Alley said...

Where are the pictures of you working? Thanks for watching the girls while I went shopping.
