Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Keeping us in stitches

During a water cooler conversation at work last week I mentioned to a co-worker that Kate and I had spent our fair share of time in Emergency Rooms with our kids' stitches, broken limbs and skull fractures. I also mentioned that it had been quite some time since our last incident. I shouldn't have said anything. I jinxed us.

Sunday night at Pat's house Samantha was running on the slate tile floor while wearing tights and no shoes. As she rounded the corner her feet slipped out from underneath her. She used only her chin to break the fall. She gashed her chin open.

Samantha was very brave as the doctor sewed her up. She didn't even flinch. In the end she had 8 stitches. The scar from this injury will end where the scar from her last stitches starts. It will look like one long scar.


Rebekah said...

AW, poor little cutie :(

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

She sure looks like a trooper, showing off her stitches!

Anna said...

Oh no! You really did jinx yourself. Did DCFS come by the house?

Tara Shirley said...

Sweet! An even longer scar!
